Friday, December 18, 2009

Top 10 Best Indie Songs of 2009

Yeah, I know. The years not actually over yet, but seriously, there's like no more stuff coming out this year. I mean, it's not even like last year when MPP leaked. So unless some random band releases a song that turns out to be awesome in the next two weeks, this list works.

So here we go. The top 10 best indie songs of 2009.

10."Walkabout (w/ Noah Lennox)" - Deerhunter

9. "Young Hearts Spark Fire" - Japandroids


8. "Lust For Life" - Girls

7. "You're a Target" - No Age
This is like almost an emo song but not really.

6. "Worm Mountain (ft. MGMT)" - The Flaming Lips

5. "You Saved My Life" - Cass McCombs

4. "What Would I Want? Sky" - Animal Collective

3. "I Don't Wanna Go There" - Dinosaur Jr
They were giving away free 7"s of this song at their concerts.

2. "Ready, Able" - Grizzly Bear
I really only picked this over the rest of the songs on Veckatimest because of the video of them playing on Letterman.

1. "My Girls" - Animal Collective